2018-2019-QuEST INGENIUM 2018- Emoto
Top 10 Finalist of Quest Ingenium 2018
Project Title:Emoto
This bike is totally powered by the
electrical components. It consists of a controller to control the batteries,
motors, throttle and some electrical components. Here the Lithium Ion batteries
(48v) are used. There was an BLDC motor fixed In the rear wheel which was 48v
and 500W. The feedback are taken from the wheels and continuously the power
will generated and then it stored to the
batteries .so, that we can cross up to our limit. It reduces the air pollution
and tends to form a green city. We can save the money spending for our daily
uses. The power generate from the front hub wheel. The loading capacity of the
bike was up to 230kg.we can improve the loading capacity and the speed depends
up on their sources. At the speed of 30kmph we are generated 25.2V, if we can
use the separate alternator to increase the volt up to us needs. It was a noise
less and comfortable smooth drive.
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