
Showing posts from May, 2019


QuEST Ingenium 2018 TOP 100 Projects:  INTELLIGENT FUEL MONITORING SYSTEM WITH ADULTERATION DETECTOR- Akshaya College of Engineering and Technology   Transportation plays a predominant role in our daily life. Everyone owns a vehicle for their own transportation and there is a huge need of fuel. This causes the fuel organisers to deceive the society. In order to avoid such consequences this project will be helpful to the society for fuel consumption and preventing forgeries. This fuel monitoring system includes the adulteration detector which measures the density of the adulterants (like oil, kerosene, diesel etc.,). The chemical composition sensor will detect the unwanted materials that is present in the fuel except petrol and oil .Pollution that is present can also be detected. The level of the fuel can be detected using the fuel level detector. In LCD display the initial and final level of the fuel is displayed and the speed can also be measured accordingly. The densi...

2018-AICTE-ECI-ISTE Chhatra Vishwakarma Awards -Automatic bin collector using line follower robot for villages

AICTE-ECI-ISTE Chhatra Vishwakarma Awards Empowerment of Villages through Technologies Project:  Automatic bin collector using line follower robot for villages In current scenario, the waste in the dustbin is collected with the help of workers. At some places it is not noticed by the workers.Due to that many disease spreads over the society and even the workers who cleans that will also get cautious diseases and that sometimes leads to death. So with the help of the proposed project the spreading of disease through overflow of dustbin could be prevented.      In order to overcome that automatic bin collecting using line follower robot is proposed.  It is             helpful to reduce the labors work and to prevent the society from disease which is caused by              overflow of waste. The dustbin will automatically sense the amount of waste that has and sends    ...